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Skoolie Upcycled Gym Floor and Subfloor Prep

Not too long after my most recent post, I was able to acquire flooring for my bus. A guy in San Antonio was helping to clear out some water damaged gym flooring in the local area and had 16 slabs of the stuff in a storage unit. 16 Large Sections. It was a lot of work... but beer helped. I had to bring my buddy Alex along to help me load them out of the unit and into the back of a pickup truck that I had borrowed from another buddy. These sections were extremely heavy, but so well worth it to have a used maple floor at roughly $1.00 per square foot. The biggest challenge with the flooring (physically and mentally) is removing it from the plywood backing. Each one takes about 30-45 minutes to completely strip down. This is particularly frustrating when I know that I'm going to have to go through and clean each board before installation... since they're covered in years of school dust and teen sweat. It's a bit more work, but well worth the savings and aesthetic. ...

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